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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:22 am
by mira
I'm not very happy when penalties change the result of some sport event if it has nothing to do with the sport itself, like this.

I guess he gets a fine, and I'm quite sure that Nicolas don't want to be placed second in this way (of course he would like to beat Dallas). Maximum fine is $2500.

Some will never be pleased and whats really happened only those who were there know.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:42 am
by elsietee
From what Mark Nordman (?) said to Nic at the finish, the blame seemed to be all on "whoever" it was a Safety. I'm wondering if the vets check the dogs and then access the vet book without any interaction from the musher. And if that was the case, Dallas wouldn't have known that his book had been removed.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:51 am
by MelanieGouldFanBrian
I kind of doubt that a vet would have the go ahead to just go through his gear to access the book without his knowledge! The rule reads: " A musher must have with him/her in the front sled, at all times the following items: Veterinarian notebook, to be presented to the veterinarian at each checkpoint."
Like any of the other mandatory items required at check-in, I would think these things would be the sole responsibility of the musher to keep track of and have ready to present when needed.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:32 am
by Heidi
What's the procedure for an infraction? Doesn't the ITC meet first? How long was it after the end of Robert's race in 2014 that he was assessed a fine?

My point being he might be getting fined; they just have to go through proper procedures first.

But I agree the race order should stand.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:44 am
by mira
I think the rules said something about within 48 hours, but I have to reread it. It's rule 51 or something like that


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:01 pm
by elsietee
MelanieGouldFanBrian wrote:I kind of doubt that a vet would have the go ahead to just go through his gear to access the book without his knowledge!
Like any of the other mandatory items required at check-in, I would think these things would be the sole responsibility of the musher to keep track of and have ready to present when needed.

I'm not suggesting the musher wouldn't know - Dallas knew they'd need his book, since he dropped a dog. But that it might be "understood" that the vet had put the book back where it belonged (they're usually attached to the sled with a piece of string) and he might have said "is my vet book back in there?" and been told "yes" when it wasn't. Just speculating.

Like any of the other mandatory items required at check-in, I would think these things would be the sole responsibility of the musher to keep track of and have ready to present when needed.

Agreed - like anything, it's *always* the musher's responsibility, but the circumstances of this particular "loss" might have been a miscommunication about where the book was.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:32 pm
by MelanieGouldFanBrian
I hear what you are saying Elsie. Anything can happen in the race. Miscommunication certainly being one of them. Which suggests to me that a Musher would, not only out of necessity, but also as a habit, check to make sure his mandatory items are back where they belong before they leave the checkpoint! That's why the rule is there and worded as it is.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:51 pm
by sc-race-fan
I agree with you MGFB. The rule (#16) states "Mandatory Items:
A musher must have with him/her in the front sled, at all times the following items:
* Proper cold weather sleeping bag weighing a minimum of 5 lbs.
* Ax, head to weigh a minimum of 1-3/4 lbs., handle to be at least 22” long.
* One operational pair of snowshoes with bindings, each snowshoe to be at least 252 square inches in size.
* Any promotional material provided by the ITC.
* Eight booties for each dog in the sled or in use.
* One operational cooker and pot capable of boiling at least three (3) gallons of water at one time.
* Veterinarian notebook, to be presented to the veterinarian at each checkpoint.
* An adequate amount of fuel to bring three (3) gallons of water to a boil.
* One cable drop line, provided by the ITC, for each dog in use must be carried at all times
* Functional non-chafing harness for each dog in team and a functional neckline.

When leaving a checkpoint adequate emergency dog food must be on the sled. (This will be carried in addition to what you carry
for routine feeding and snacking.)
Gear will be checked at the Re-start and during the 24 hour layover for conformity to minimum standards as set forth above. Gear may be checked at
any other time during the Race at the discretion of the Race Marshal and or the Race Judges.
Gear may be checked at all checkpoints except Safety.
Vet books will be signed by a veterinarian or in the absence of a veterinarian may be signed by a designated race official.
The musher will also sign the vet book."

SO THE MUSHER MUST SIGN THE VET BOOK, You would expect that would be done after the vet check to confirm the findings of the vet.
That should create a procedure for the musher to sign the book and replace in sled!

I do remember that there was some issue during this years race, at some checkpoint, where the mandatory equipment was checked on each musher, causing some musher to stay longer at the check point longer than they wanted to stay, rather than a stop, check in, go!


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:08 pm
by MelanieGouldFanBrian
SC wrote:
SO THE MUSHER MUST SIGN THE VET BOOK, You would expect that would be done after the vet check to confirm the findings of the vet.
That should create a procedure for the musher to sign the book and replace in sled!

Precisely SC. It's simply a routine, or should be.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:23 pm
by mira
sc-race-fan wrote:I do remember that there was some issue during this years race, at some checkpoint, where the mandatory equipment was checked on each musher, causing some musher to stay longer at the check point longer than they wanted to stay, rather than a stop, check in, go!

Huslia, and it was that the checker wanted to check at arrival and not after they had parked their dogs.

Anyhow, I don't think anyone disagree that it's a mandatory gear, the question is what's happening if some mandatory gear are missing at a checkpoint or at the finish line. As far as I read the rules you get a fine, you can't start to swap places just like that, then it all will be totally unpredictable for the participants, it's not fair. Anyhow, Dallas didn't ask Nicolas to bring it in, it is (I assume, although I don't know) something Nicolas choosed to do, and as we all know, mushers are free to help each other.

I don't know exactly what's happening with the vet book at the checkpoints, there might even be some special rules regarding this. The vet book isn't like mandatory gear like an axe, the vet book is very important regarding the dogs health but it isn't necessary for survival in case of some kind of emergency. At Safety I think they also puts on their bibs. Dallas dropped a dog so he had some paperwork to do and so must have handed over his vet book. What's happened after that we just can't know, unless someone tells us.