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Re: General Race News and Tidbits

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2020 12:32 am
by mira
Oh.. Actually, I think I skip reading Craigs posts about this. Too bad, but hopefully he will able to pull through this one as well.

..and then, more happier news :)

As for now, the plan is for Thomas Wærner to fly home 22th of May in the old Norwegian plane from 1957 which are going to a museum at Sola in Norway. The plane will have two passengers and a lot of dogs. Finally getting home to his wife and kids.

Sola isn't quite where he live, it's a 9-10 hours driving trip (non-stop, so it will take longer) from Sola to his kennel. Hopefully the roads are open, we have had really much snow in the mountains this winter... this is from a web camera from one of Norways main roads thorugh the mountains, connecting western part of Norway with the "rest". The snapshot is showing the current condition as for now (14th of May).


Re: General Race News and Tidbits

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2020 8:02 am
by libby the lab
Mira that looks like a lot of snow! When does it usually melt in those mountains?

Re: General Race News and Tidbits

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2020 11:03 am
by mira
It is abnormal amount of snow this winter in the northern parts and in the mountains. Actually, I will guess that if we get get normal summer temperatures, there will be quite a lot that will not melt.

I will say it is not uncommon for a bit of snow now, but usually it is mostly gone by end of May. But then it must stop snowing. It is certainly not common with this kind of snow storms in May.

Where I live, we have nice but cold weather. Actually, we have had small amounts of graupel/snow the three last days, not much, just a bit passing. During nights we are having freezing temperatures, which is bad news for my tomatoe plants. They don't like freezing temperatures, usually I can put them outdoors mid-May, but they will have to wait at least over the weekend I guess.

Everything seems to be weird this spring.

Re: General Race News and Tidbits

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:10 am
by mira
...and to end this, Thomas Wærner arrived in Norway yesterday with all the dogs. Actually, he has gotten quite a lot of coverage lately. (behind paywall :roll: ) (Norwegian, but some nice images).