Tangles and THE FLOOD

This is a forum for general discussion of dogsled racing, with a special focus on Alaska, and is open to all. It is expected that this area will see the most activity during the months leading up to, and during the annual Iditarod sled dog race. Pictures from races can be posted here. Hosting is provided by the Bering Strait School District (BSSD), and the area is open all year. Care to be one of our volunteer moderators? Contact us!

Moderators: fladogfan, libby the lab, mira, mamamia, sc-race-fan

Tangles and THE FLOOD

Postby boo » Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:01 pm

Someone requested this be posted here about the flood last autumn....altho sounds like Matt just avoided another one this weekend :)

Another UK fan:

Tangles are you and the dogs OK? I've just seen the news showing the floods in the Cotswolds where you live and it looks grim. I'm thinking about you and yours. Let us know you're OK.


I've been wondering the same....hoping and praying you are where it is high and dry!! It looks dreadful! Take care Tangles and crew....you are in our thoughts....


I just saw some pictures of the flooding also.....sending dry thoughts your way Tangles. Hope everything is ok with you & your beautiful pups!

Another UK fan:

Tangles pub website http://www.bathurstarms.com which he posted on a previous thread - gorgeous pics, but you can see clearly it's right by the river side.

Our eldest son has been sent down that way since Saturday to help pull out vehicles and clear roads - says he'll be there some time. I believe loads of companies are sending help.

Tangles - getting worried about you and the dogs. And your horse (just catching up now). Saying some prayers. Hope we'll hear from you soon.


Yes, Tangles~
Everyone is thinking about you and we are worried. We had a horrible flood in 1993 and were completely without running water for two weeks so if you are in the middle of something crazy, do be careful and take care of yourself and the crew.


Yes, Luv, it sounds like drinkable water is the biggest concern. I Googled 'Cotswold flood' and was shocked at the pictures.....water gushing up through pavement, deep deep water. Know your Iditabuddies are praying for you, Tangles. Wish we could send help, too.....be thinking of Another UK's kiddo, too. Dangerous work but oh so necessary.....

Another UK fan:

Checking in to see if any news on Tangles.

Thanks Boo - the waters are polluted.....Kiddo says lots of disinfectant used on equipment. Praying for all - hoping the animals are OK.


hi gang...safe and sound....just!!!!!

we have had MASSIVE flooding, goucester and cheltenham and surrounding villages have no water or electricity, 4 foot under water and the place is a massive disaster area.

thank you all so much for the dry thoughts and care an best wishes!

ok, heres what happened....it rained 3 months worth of rain in 1 day,,this after months of heavy rain instead of sunshine, i was working last week and spent the day sat in the rain on top of a cliff with 3 collegues. we were working for a leadership training company teaching rappeling (abseiling). the journey home is usually 55 mins.....it took 10 hours!!!!!!!!!

we headed off at 4.45pm back to gloucester from ross on wye, with no idea what was about to happen......we got nearly to glos, when encounted the first flood, so tried the back roads and lanes....again big flooding.. we were driving through 2 foot deep water and raging floods in the dog truck...every road was blocked to us. even 4x4's were havign trouble...re tracing our steps we headed back to 'ross on wye' after loosing bits of the dog van, torn off in the water and needing diesel urgently. so re checked and decided to go back to ross to fuel up and then try the motorways. we headed to and got on to the M50 heading towards the M5. we got only few more miles away from ross when we hit the traffic jam. 3 miles down the road a flooded stream had burst and out onto the motorway ( freeway) 4 foot under water. nothing could get through as it had turned into a raging river and swept away a few cars...we sat for 5 hours awaiting the emergency services and in the end had to provide hot drinks. people around us were in good spirits but some were getting cold due to just driving home a few short miles from the office in shirt sleeves not expecting to get stuck..then having to spend hours in the rain in cars... so Stan, my friend i was giving a lift to work with and i got some heat going from my dog food cooker and used the waterfrom the dogs water barrels ( glad i filled them up - we had 5 gallons) and in good old fashioned british way begged some tea bags from someone and started to boil water for cold fellow motorists to warm them up. the dogs were safe at home with my girlfriend Ems ( more anonther time on that one hahaha). a trucker rang the police and was told they had a massive emergency and couldnt deal with traffic problems right now and so we decided to take it into our own hands as traffic was still queing up 10 miles back!

the car in front had a pregant women in with her 2 year old son and her elderly parents one of who was a hyper-glycemic diabetic and was in need of food, we got some tools and with the help of some truckers dismantled the central barriers to let the traffic though to the other side of the motorway and so we could start clearing traffic off the motor way and back the way we came to ross... after this we had a re think and made some calls to my folks on my dying soggy wet mobile phone. my dad said gloucester was cut off and it was slim chance we could get through., mean while ems was texting and calling saying the pub was going under and the water had risen 6 feet and was over the road and into the restuarnt ( and we live on top of the hills!!!) so stan and i along with dad on the phone made a plan....by this time it was 11pm... to try the last remaining motorway route left open... we turned 180' and headed into wales down an almost desserted motorway to newport... we hoped this would still be open and we could get to the severn bridge.

this is a huge bridge across the river severn towards bristol ( hope you got your maps out) we got onto the M4 and headed east to bristol, one of the two bridges were closed but the one we chose was open and we made it over, we then connected with the M5 which we knew to be horrendous with accidents flooding and traffic jams. mile after mile we headed up the motorway in pouring rain not knowing what we would find... we came across some stranded vehicles and trucks parked up illegaly on the road side as drivers had run out of driving hours ( they are limited in the uk to how long they can drive for in 1 day). as we neared gloucester we hit traffic, 100's and 100's of trucks cars motor homes vans 4x4's all parked up and stopped..so we dodged in and out a few and headed off the motorway and up a slip road and into the city of gloucester..its on the river severn and is built on flood planes... so we knew we might not make it through, as we got though some flooded roads we came to what i can only discribe as a war zone!

100's and 100's of abandoned cars, trucks and vehicles, some floating and some stuck under others, trucks tilting over on collapsed roads all abandoned. the traffic was moving on our side of a dual carrage way and we were amazed, the roads were covered in rocks, stones, gravel, mud, litter, craters and abandoned cars, subways were full to the top with water, just water filled tunnels up to the roofs, people everywhere trying to get out of the city, rain rain and more rain, we had 15 sports cars come towards us driving the wrong way down our side of the motorway driving down the white lines between the lanes, as our 2 lines of traffic split and let them through, we stopped one, a german fellow, and he was panicing shouting the flood was getting deeper and to get out the way. then fire trucks, swift water rescue teams with boats, ambulances and rescue teams all heading towards the city centre, we came to a big round-about, i guess you call them inter-sections but they are like a round island here that the traffic goes around and then leaves at the right exit they want. it was like a car park, 100's of stuck cars on it and people pushing them out the water and one poor policeman trying to direct emergency traffic through, we got round and carried on our way shocked!

we managed to get through and down a closed off road stan knew would be ok, we drove for a good mile in 1 foot deep water and found stans road. we made it up the hill to his house and i dropped him off before carrying on to try and get to the pub 10 miles on. i did, after a long way round and got home to see ems stood outside the pub the water nearly inside with the locals all trying to rescue our neibours belongings from his house 4 foot under water!!!!!!

i left ross on wye at 4.45pm and got home at 2.45am.... after driving 200 miles out of my way! trying to get around the floods. the motorway re opened last night, it closed friday night with 10'000 stranded cars and trucks on it! 1.5 million people with out water, police guarding super markets and malls to stop people fighting for water, we have filled our empty beer barrels and taken them full of water to friends in the cheltenham from the pub. there is rationed water in the citys and 2 power stations are under water and the army and navy are trying to rescue them.

the pub is ok the water stayed outside, the dogs are fine and the horse ok too, no wet feet! we had to do a rescue mission to save our picnic tables from being swept away, only 3 got damaged after being stuck under a bridge at the end of the pub garden. our flooding has dropped back into the river, but the towns and cities of gloucester, tewksbury, cheltenham, worcester and all the surrounding areas are a disater zone... thousands of abandoned vehciles, and houses, and now to top it all their are some complete and utter scumbags looting peoples homes!!!! B*****ds!!!! they should be shot!

they recon now no power or water for 2 weeks....and tomorrow???..it gonna start raining...again!!!!! so i recon its not over yet!

but at least im safe and sounds, the dogs are ok !!! friends have lost everything! so im lucky stan and i got back in one piece with the dog truck and home with out getting too wet!!!

thank you all so much for your thoughts and wishes... i love you all! my iditabuddies another uk... hope your lad is ok!

if you can find a uk road map you can try and trace our route from ross on wye in gloucestershire to huntley near gloucester, then back to newent through tibberton, then back to ross on wye then toward ther M5 on the M50 passing north west of newent, then back to ross, then onto M50 newport, then M4 to severn crossing then on to bristol then up the M5 to quedgley then into glocuester around the city toward cheltenham and into churchdown, dropped of stan then up to birdlip and onto cirencester then cross over on fosse way and back running parrell on the road called the white way and drop of the hill to the pub in north cerney....10 hours..200 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phew!

houndharpy: (Now FlowerPower)

Wow Tangles, what an adventure!
Glad to hear you and the pups are all OK, though. Crazy weather, we had 19 inches in 6 hours near here and lots of flooding, but sounds like it was nothing like what you have to contend with there. No traffic jams, abandoned cars or horrors like that. I would have been terrified, I think, if I was in your shoes!


So, so, so glad to hear you are OK, Matt! What a nightmare, and now daymares, too, and 'it ain't over yet' it would appear. No wonder we were all thinking about you and hoping....there were concerns, and still are. Hope the forecasts are wrong, or the clouds can hang onto their 'stuff' and dump it over the channel instead. Frogs like rain, right? Tsk, tsk....I'd want a resourceful musher around to provide me hot tea and drinkable water in an emergency!!! Good job! A lesson to us all.....at least have a jacket in the car, no matter the season. Ya never know when shirtsleeves just won't cut it. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Tangles!!

PS Thanks for the details....I sort of feel like I've been through it, now!!! You've got to be exhausted!!!!! Flashbacks to sleep-deprivation during Irod??? Only more adrenaline, huh?? Stay safe, buddy.


hi gang, yes it is kind of exhausting, we are trying to supply friends with water from the pub. scary that so many people are still unable to get near thier homes, the flooding is just peaking but oxford has now flooded!

we have rescue teams from scotland coming down to help the area.

heres a _link_ to some stories

http://news.google.co.uk/news?q=bbc+glo ... ct=_title_

or have a listen to bbc radio gloucestershire on


i always have a sleeping bag, waterproof clothing, feed pans and dog food cooker, petrol/gas stove, 5 gallon barrel of water, spare clothes and some freeze dried food in my kit locker, i couldnt belive i had run out of t'bags though tut tut!! haha
they always say that if you are ever in need of first aid or help in an emergency in the countryside, hope that a passing outdoor pursuits instructor stops to help as we have to be first aid quailfied, be able to effect rescues, carry first aid kits better than most police cars are equiped with, general are able to provide a hot drink. i guess mushers are much the same


Wow, Matt. Amazing story. Good luck in the coming days.


Another UK fan:

Hey you and yours are safe! Been working from home and had rolling news on so knew it was very, very bad. But your de_script_ions bring home the full extent of the disaster.

It's Wed. morning now, and it's raining here - but we're in the North West and haven't anything like your problems.

Your resourcefulness is amazing - I passed on your story of taking down the motorway barriers to my lad. His response was 'b****y hell!' That's admiration. Everyone's very tired now and I guess you must be exhausted. Thanks so much for letting us know you and yours are OK.


Since my 83-year-old mother moved in here my schedule is all a-wack and I've been unaware, incommunicado, and out of the loop. Hopefully we'll settle into a rhythm of some sort soon, but I'm just now reading and hearing of the awful flooding in your area, Matt.

What an "adventure", to put it in a most favorable light. I'm glad to know you're well and am praying the storm clouds dissipate, dropping their droplets where they're needed, not where they're not! Too much flooding here and there, too much drought there and here. Where's the balance?

All of you Iditabuddies threatened by flood, fire, drought, woes of any and all kinds, be safe and be well.



YEA!! Tangles and all are safe!!! And, is anybody surprised that he was in the middle of it being HEROIC? Not me! We are proud of you and know that you will do what you can to make things better for your neighbors. In '93, the National Guard had to come to Des Moines and set up huge "water buffaloes" so people could come and get drinking water. We sure learned alot about how far a gallon of water could go. Drink some, cook with some, bathe with some, wash with some and flush with what was left from the bath and the wash. We had extra rain hit us after the flooding and we filled five gallon buckets with rain water. It's amazing afterwards how wasteful it seemed to say, let the water run WHILE you are brushing your teeth. It's been 14 years and I still am in the "conserve" mode. It was such a dramatic event that we learned a lot.

A little off topic here but in the same line as being "prepared", I am buying fire extinguishers for our cars after this weekend. A BIG pick-up with a heavy duty dog box and K-9 sticker on it flew by us on the interstate Sunday. We noticed that the left front tire was totally crooked and tried to catch the truck but it was going over 80 mph. I kept my eye on it as we were wondering how far it could go like that. Our answer came about 10 miles later when we saw a huge plume of smoke ahead of us and saw the truck pulling over. We stopped and found two K-9 officers from Louisiana out looking at the mangled mess of rim and tire. There was a small fire and all we had with us at the time was some big cups of drinks. They had a container of water that was for the dog. We got the fire out with what we had, but I am not taking that chance again!

Start packing those supplies everyone, we should all be as prepared and as resourceful as our Tangles! We are glad you and yours are alright!


Also kind of off-topic, but for years (when all of us kids were getting married and our family friends' kids, too) my Mom's standard shower gift:
a small fire extinguisher for the family car
a screwdriver, hammer, plyers and scissors in a box---all of the handles painted BRIGHT PINK....you ladies know why. Ah, my favorite words out of a male mouth..."Where's my.....?" IF IT HAS A PINK HANDLE, THEY WON'T STEAL IT.....or at least that is the theory.....

You are my hero, Tangles....


Tangles, sounds like you are a hero to a whole lot of people. What a resourceful young man you are. You write such good detailed reports about your adventures/misadventures (remember the blizzard story?). So glad you and yours are OK and so sorry for the people hurt by this disaster. Hope and pray the rains go where they are needed and it dries out soon.


Wow, what a story, Tangles. So glad you made it through that nightmare safely and found your critters safe on the other side. We tend to travel prepared for about anything here in Alaska during the winter, but gotta admit, while I do have the basic survival kit, I wouldn't have had a whole lot to offer during these summer months....and definitely no tea bags. I shall have to remedy that! Last summer huge parts of the Mat-Su Valley were being flooded here in Alaska, but, man, nothing like this.


I know you are still in the thick of it, but I'm going to hold you to the "more on girlfriend Ems" statement....when you get around to it So was part of your valiant effort to return home driven by something in that vein? Just kidding you....I'd love to see you happily matched, Matt. Especially to some lucky gal who loves and understands the critters thing, and believes animal hair to be a vital food group and mandatory fashion accessory......


Well you know the saying, "When the going gets tough the tough get going" or something to that effect ! Awesome story Tangles, as always you have thrilled me/us with your adventures
So glad that you are high and dry with your pooches and new love!


hi gang! thanks so much for the words of support, wouldnt go as far as to say im a hero, just always prepared and ready to help anyone as i would like to be helped in time of crisis...what goes around comes around n'all that hahaha.

was the dog in the K9 truck ok??? im guessing it was empty by the no mention of a four-paws.

its really usy here at the pub as we are offering free showers to people who need them and its packed every night as all the pubs in glos and cheltenham are closed due to no water...still theres plenty of beer! hee hee. got the dates for our races this year come through and have got a pre season mushers meeting on the 5th august which im looking forward to! will post and let you know all the details, the race calender can be seen on..


our first race is oct 7th, going to run a 4 dog team, the races arnt as long as in the USA/AK so we dont run bigger teams as you guys....

if you can find a copy there was an excellent program on uk tv here - top gear- where 3 motoring tv presenters raced a 4x4 against a 10 dog team to the north pole...1 presenter on the sled and the other 2 in the truck...the truck won but not my much!

the floods are going down now and people are returnign home to find the mess left, still 140'000 homes with no water and electricity, and some scumbags are vandalising the water bowsers by drilling holes in them., kicking the taps off, opening taps and pee'ing in them and pouring bleach in! there are now vigilanty groups guarding the bowsers to try and stop them...and the worst thing... most of the vandals are gangs young kids!!! im ashamed of our youth in theis country at times, the govenment has got a massive problem on their hands with them!

well off to start cleaning up and getting ready for the days work....can someone pass my a clean glass polishing cloth please and DI...can i have some yummy scrummy pancakes of yours please! xxx

tangles ^..^

Another UK fan:

Glad to hear things are looking up. The news has it that you have emergency tap water, but it can only be used for cleaning?

Why do youngsters vandalise? Beyond me.

Top Gear - yes. Saw it. The dogs made it look pretty run of the mill, polar bears and all. There were lots of problems with the car,AND they needed two 'specialist' mechanics and other assorted retinue. Dog power vs horse power....the gee-gees under the bonnet might have won, but the doggies were better equiped all round, I thought.

Good luck with this season.


Pancakes? Sure! I'm thinking I'd better pick some fresh raspberries to sprinkle on the top ok? Do you like whip cream too?

Hey what are "water bowsers"? Kinda like wells or something? Bummer that hard times also bring the scum to the surface too Hope they can catch those vandals!



Didn't read this blog, but it has a picture of a bowser....kind of a gigantic
blue water cooler thing. Don't know how much they hold, but it must be quite a lot....


Oh my goodness Tangles,

Also glad to hear you and yours are safe and dry......haven't checked in for awhile myself, but was wondering about you after hearing on the news about the floods

What a great visual you gave with your writing.....I could see it all you are sooooo right about being prepared for the worst.....seems the weather round the world is going wacky........

Hugs and stay dry
kisses for everyone from us
Mith and Spirit


Thanks Boo, that was an interesting blog/pic. Now I can see how easy it would be to vandalize that!


Craziness and stupidity seem to abound during times when people "should" be coming together!
Probably why all the normal people are glad that there is no shortage on beer.

The K-9 was in the truck bed in a vented and fanned aluminum dog box. I couldn't see him but I asked one of the officers if they had a dog and they said yes. I asked if they were sure that he would be OK (sunny, but fortunately not too hot) and they said he would be fine. A husky friend of mine had a kennel about two miles away and I offered that if they needed it, we could get him inside in a cool place pretty quick. I hope they took him off the truck when it was being towed or they got one of the big flat beds to tow with. I had to totally resist the urge to ask them to let us take him. They seemed confident that he would be just fine. However, I imagine that we would have all been moving to get him out of there if the truck had continued to "smolder".

I know one thing....I'm really glad they didn't roll that truck with him in there!!


Wow, Matt, a h**l of an adventure, should make you an Iditarod qualifier . I'm glad there are still boyscouts out there.
I hope everything is settling down, and you can get back to routine soon.

Another UK fan:

should make you an Iditarod qualifier
At the very least! I'll second that



quickly loping in hoping things are settling down and bahving .. I second the second you've bagged an Irod qualifier.

You and your 4 leggeds be and stay safe and well

ps .. did you invent some new thematic names of adult beverages?
Example: Fast Flood Fizz


hi gang!

well just got time to check in ..last few weeks been nusy as emma has been climbing mountians in morocco and ive been covering her shifts...

ok news from over the pond....

flooding gone and all water and power restored again now...but still lots of people with no houses.

the dogs are all great, wolfey is spending his time sleeping lots, lolly has taken to digging holes and kirra has discovered she can just about catch a well thrown bit of steak from the kitchen wash up window, one of our new staff is from poland and loves the dogs and sneeks the odd bit of meat out the window to kirra, who of course loves him!

lolly has taken it upon herself to be head chef, and when ever our human head chef, marcus, comes out the kitchen, walks past the window or arrives to work she goes bonkers, woowoowowowowowooing at him, she loves him to bits really, just feels he should be inside cooking her tea and so constantly tells him off for not being in the kitchen its soooo funny! she sits woowoo's yaps wags and basicaly chats away to him telling him off then goes all shy if he comes over,,,she started the other day when she was in her box in the van, she couldnt even see him and all he did was walk out the kitchen and she started...she reconises his footsteps comin out the kitchen!!!!!!!!

the rig got welded up at last yesterday and the weather is cooling off, its time to start gentle training again at last! my farrier for the horse is keen to make a aluminium rig for the winter, fast and light! does he know whats he's in for haha!!

ive got 2 big dates coming up, we have been asked to do a 30 minute demo at a BIG country show in 2 weeks, so busy getting ready for that, got to do a talk and demo to about 2000 people!!!..nervous..me? YUP!!!!!!!!!!!! so need to start training the dogs and getting them out of the summer knock off routine of sun bathing and digging! the other is a BIG christmas festival where we will be towing santa and having fake snow made by snow business the biggest fake snow people in the movie business proving a carpet for the dogs to run on as we surprise 5000+ people with santas arrival then having the dogs on hand to provide a back drop to his grotto which should have about 2000 kids attend again in full winter snow scene with the fake snow guys providing the back drop, igloos, snow drifts, the lot! they have offered to pay me enough to buy a new sled!!!! so we are very pleased as would have done it for the fun of it! shame they cant strech to a irod entry fee haha!

Emma and i are busy in the pub with summer (what summer its been cold and wet all summer so far) and with preparing for the mushing season and organising our own 2 day race here, (http://www.absasleddogracing.org) we are hosting the forest fo dean race. plans are afoot for a big husky meet up here at the pub next year too.. would love anyone from the usa to pop over and say hi! if your in the country!!

so all very exciting, i cant wait to get back on the runners again and i think the dogs feel the same, ive made some new lines and the dogs have new harnesses...all i need now is cool weather to last to get a head start on the season. i have 8 races planned this year!!!!!

the horse is comming on and is looking well...still being naughty tho at times!

missing all my buddies on the board. and will promise to keep more in touch now that emma is back from her trip.

love to all and your 4 paws
tangles ^..^ xxx


OK, did I miss the 'who is Emma' explanation somewhere? Or are you being coy, Matt??? Details, details....obviously she works at the pub, too....climber, into the dogs.....c'mon Tangles, tell all....or at least more....

Wow, sounds like you have some fun and cool musher demos to do, and we can all say, "We knew him BEFORE he was famous!!"


Yeah, Tangles, quit giving it in bits and pieces!


Good to hear an update Tangles, been missing ya!

Sounds like you are going to be pretty busy this Fall. I'm sure you will wow the crowd at the country show though, no worries there!

Post when you can...

Another UK fan:

Sounds good. Glad everything recovering. Dogs sound in great form. Thanks for posting and good luck.


ok ok quit your rabbiting on (as we say in th uk) haha

ems (emma) is a lovely lass who works at the pub ... she has been here for the past 4 years think, ive only been here since december last year. annnnnnnnyway, we got together a month or so back, we get on great nd both kinda likeed each other, i was getting over a relationship that had ended and she had been single for quite a while, just friends for a long while and then started to get closer and spend time together out of work, and as there was some chemistry there, we went out to the cinema together and some food after and just took it slowly from there, which is great! she loves the huskies and has 2 tibeten terriers that want to be huskies when they grow up to be like mr wolfe. she laughs at husky hair being a food group and also says it s a fashion statement ..good lass! she is at the moment trying to get me to get a new rig so she can use my old one..only problem..i'm not going to tow about a rig painted purple with green flowers on it !!! which is what she wants to piant my old rig....(its getting a new paint job tomorrow...red and blue in my team colours haha)...so loving the outdoors, being a cute blonde and loving the huskies.. i cant go wrong really....oh and she has done my washing this week for me cause she recons it was getting pilled up to high in the wash basket.......hee hee..what a lass!! oh and she wants to come to AK too!

so there you go happy now you lot????


had our first run out today, just around the fields for a mile or so, it was a bit heavy going as the grass was a little too long and the kids were a little unfit after the summer lay-off....but we started now so will make an effort to get out and run them as many mornings or eves as we can now and get ready for our first race... thruxton ABSA race on oct 7th...

if anyone wants to see our calander of races look at

http://www.absasleddogracing.org.uk and go to calender to take a look.

ive order some sweatshirts here for us with the teams name on the back and a nice husky running logo, got some team jackets coming in a month or so too ready for our demos etc...can i say i knew you lot before you were famous too? all these books and journals sound great ... HOW CAN I GET SOME COPIES!!! hee hee..help anyone? shame the uk is sooooooooo expensive or maybe i could have got a few extra team shirts done for you guys..... i think it works out double what it would cost you to buy a shirt in the US...so a t'shirt here is £19.99 in the UK.....thats $40.00 in your money!!!! eeek! it worked out cheaper for me to buy the Irod t's this eyar and have them shipped out than to buy say a normal surf t'shirt made buy someone like quicksilver or billabong in a uk shop!!

well gonna sign off cause need to get rid of the midgies that are eating me alive tonight..wolfe isnt helping buy sitting here covering he whole place in his fluffy hair!

someone get the vacum!!!!!!!

tangles xx


tanglefootuk wrote:
ems (emma) is a lovely lass who works at the pub..so loving the outdoors, being a cute blonde and loving the huskies.. i cant go wrong really....oh and she has done my washing this week for me cause she recons it was getting pilled up to high in the wash basket.......hee hee..what a lass!! oh and she wants to come to AK too!

so there you go happy now you lot????

She sounds like a swell gal Matt, good for you!

May I be the first to say a hearty "Welcome to the board Emma! "


Awww Tangles
This Iditabuddy is happy for you lot!

Husky Love. It's a wonderful thang.

Sooooo Tangles ... When are you, Mr Wolfe, Kirra and Lolly going to write and publish a journal? Including a chapter or two on edible dog gear sewing repair techniques, and laundry tips and recipies for husky hair?


ha ha ha, might have too! recipes..well i had vine tomato and red pepper soup with crutons olive oil and husky hair garnish last night for supper you could try that one! it was yummy! apart from the furball at the end...wolfe is blowing his coat like crazy!!! haha love to all great to see the old gang back together!


hi all,

well got the new rig and took it out for a run tonight, ems had her first go at mushing and loved it!!!! we had 2 x 2dog teams out ( Boo and GB if your readig this kirra went nuts and ran super, getting back to old self..will email you about it seperatley)

ems hasnt shut up about it, going to try and get her to join the site herself or drop you a line using my id..she is already talking about going out again tomorrow, how well kirra ran and about getting more dogs!! hahahahaha..girls and sled dog puppies hey!!

theres a race at the end of our season for breast cancer and im trying to get ems to run in it as there are prizes for female mushers...but she wouldhave to wear soemthing pink....she hates pinkhahaha..but suppose the dogs could wear pink...not sure wolfe would be impressed, kirra would pretend to not be impressed but would secretly like it, lolly and sassy would love it and be very proud to show off pink collars hahaha.

must dash..dogs to feed..yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

tangles xxx ^..^ xxx


So happy for you, Tangles.....girls pulling for you!!!!! Glad Kirra has her head back in the game and soooooo glad Ems loves running dogs. Having that in common, a luxury!!! Hope she joins the forum, too. Tell her pink is no big deal, if you are running dogs.....their tongues are pink!


Matt, love is friendship caught on fire. (I read that somewhere a long time ago.)


hi all, not speaking to ems, she beat me again tonight out mushing haha, but only just and we did need a poo stop unexpectedly...well lolly did anyway so she just got back to the van before me, she sreally getting into it haha. auntie dilli said the other day in an email... a family who mushes together stays together....so sharing all the love with you guys so we all stay happy waggy tailed togther haha.

kirra going much better, she hasnt quite go the fitness on the other 2 yet and sassy being younger is still a little pre occupied sometimes but otherwise alls good, tooka friend out tonight who has his horse at the same yard as me and he loved it as well....yet more converts hAHAH although he didnt realise how hard work it was with a 2 dog team and a big hill !!

hows everyone doing, the leaves have started to fall here and fall is just around the next bend in the trail, the evenings are cooler and the sunsets are amazing, we have timed ti to get to the top of the trail in time to see the sun set over the cotswold hills.......beautiful!!!

well off to check the other topics...happy tails and trails all

tangles xx
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Re: Tangles and THE FLOOD

Postby tanglefoot » Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:12 pm

wow boo! that was a long thread!

we managed to get through from the rally yesterday, the race was cancelled once we got there for the second day, ems had to take her shoes and socks off and wade through to see if the truck would go through ok, onthe way back we got detoured and at one stage had to help push a broken down car out of a flooded road so we could get through, its seems liek when ever we get heavy rain now the country floods! perhaps we are sinking! haha :o :D
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