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Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby emwcee » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:39 pm

Thanks, everyone. It was fun! My family even made dinner for me while I chatted. Gotta do that more often. LOL. Heidi, thank you most of all for the great questions for our game. Three cheers for Heidi!

Definitely going to study harder next time. BB Backer was amazing -- she even guessed the name of one of my cats. Who knows -- the names of the other two might show up in informal trivia sometime -- and the names ARE posted somewhere on this forum.

(Oh, and that's CONGRATS, not CONRATS - it's me editing again - inside joke for those who were in chat. :D )
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Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby Heidi » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:58 pm

emwcee wrote:Oh, and that's CONGRATS, not CONRATS - it's me editing again - inside joke for those who were in chat.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks em!
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Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby Heidi » Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:45 pm


Mith was sorry she couldn't be here today and asked me to post for her. She missed being with us in chat and hopes she can get back online soon. She's EXTREMELY grateful to bb backer and thanks you, bbb, from the bottom of her heart for your kind gesture of offering her your prize. She picked the 2008 journal, so she (or I) should be able to answer your questions soon regarding Martin. :)

Hugs to all from Mith!
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Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby BB Backer » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:33 am

Kudos to Heidi for planning such an entertaining contest. We had such fun! :lol: Lots of laughter! :lol: My favorite answer...the "P" button!! (You had to be there.) :lol: Thanks also for offering the prize of Ken's journal! That was ever so generous of you, and I'm SO glad Mith will enjoy it! :D

To save some hard earned money in future contests, IMHO, you don't actually need a prize...just bragging rights. ;) It was great catching up with everyone. Iditaholics are such a great bunch! :D I'm looking forward to next month's gathering. 8-)

Go Team Buser!!! :D :D :D
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Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:46 am

Yeah! Great job Heidi. We all had a great time editing :D & p buttoning :D. We discussed the Packers, White Sox, Ryne Sandberg, Martin Buser, & Melanie Gould amongst other things. Douglas Adams books were mentioned, as well as Ken's Journals, Martin's comment to Gwen, and where everybody lived in relation to everybody else. Hey, we even had mention of a warming device for male mushers, or was it their dogs? :o
Motorwerk and I won the red lantern for the Quiz! Motor, I'll keep it for a week, then send it on to you :lol:
Look forward to the next chat. Here's hoping everybody's temps are below 90!

MGF Brian
Last edited by MelanieGouldFanBrian on Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby Heidi » Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:56 am

Thanks bbb and mgfb! :) I agree it was a lot of fun. You guys are an absolute hoot! Btw mgfb, I changed "6th" to "Red Lantern" for you and motorwerk. :lol:

And I agree we don't need a prize. In the future, if I or anyone else offers one we'll have one, and if not, we won't. PM me if you want to help out in this area. I paid for the journal this month, but there's no need to have prizes worth more than $5-10 I think. I think a neat prize might be something from your area that can't be found elsewhere.

One thing everyone seemed to agree on is they wanted to have another trivia contest next month, so I think we can plan on that. Now some thought it best to do general (Iditarod) trivia while others thought it best to pick one thread to study up on. The latter benefits newbies, but I see the reasoning for both. And perhaps we can do both. I think I'll start a poll.

Okay, thanks again everybody for a good time and I'll see ya around the kennel. :mrgreen:
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Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby Holly Golightly » Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:21 pm

This is what I get for being a techno-peasant: I miss all the fun stuff. Sigh....Sounds like the trivia contest was a blast (esp since there was baseball talk too, apparently--that's my other great love). But since I'm never near a computer on Saturday nights, and this old beast of a laptop isn't exactly state-of-the-art, I'd probably never be able to take part. :(

But, in my lack-of-knowledge (partly blamed on lack of technology) state, I want to ask a question about one of the topics discussed. Well, OK, two questions. About "Martin's comment to Gwen"--for starters, I ask "Gwen who?", and for seconds, "What was the comment?" :? (If it's complicated, someone can always PM me w/ it, I guess.)

I'm now going to go back to downsizing my apartment so that if I get a job while I'm up north this time, I won't have as much stuff to move...ugh, moving. :roll:
Holly Golightly

Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:22 pm

The Gwen is Gwen Holdmann, Ken's wife. The comment - We thought YOU could tell US! We are all curious over the comment.
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Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby Di* » Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:17 am

MelanieGouldFanBrian wrote:We are all curious over the comment. MGFB

No kidding Brian! I REALLY want to know what was said.....

Re: 7/26/08 CONTEST RESULTS!!! (on page 5 of thread)

Postby Holly Golightly » Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:08 pm

Let me get this straight: it was discussed in the chat, but nobody actually detailed what was said? That's just odd. :?

I guess, Di, we can only hope that someone will take pity on us and tell us. (And whatever it actually was, there's probably a perfectly logical explanation for it, too.)
Holly Golightly


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