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PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:53 am
by Frozen Chosen
You can see it and feel it, in the eyes and stance!
Who do you wanna 'bout dat Lance!

Come on Mac-key Team let's go!

Larry, Hobo, and Battel!
Who's gonna check in to the Millenium Hotel?

Come on Mac-key Team let's go!

Hansom, Fudge, and, oh...Boycuz!
Lance's next stop: The Burled ARch, that's the buzz!!

(Say it to the Rap beat!)

The Battel Smile! Check out that the leader is looking neither left nor right, but straight toward the Goal!


Here's Hobo doing his part to ENERGIZE the mid-section of the team!


Last, but not at all the least, Boycuz showing the Mackey Intensity as he does his part to keep the rear geared!


The Frozen Analysis:

What am I saying? Well, EVERY dog has done THEIR part in running this race. EACH and EVERY one has that same Lance Stance and intensity as their MAIN LEADER (guess who that might be)...But to BALANCE that Intensity is this: The LAnce SmiLe, which in reality is: The Lance Enthusiasm!

So what? Well, it breaks down to two things: INTENsITY and ENTHUSIAsM!

(Remember the '85 BEARS? By the way, their leader, the quarterback was a "Mac" also, Jim McMahon, who did a break dance before the superbowl!)

Show us the break dance Lance!

Re: LanceO'Lot!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:19 am
by Frozen Chosen
Who's that boy, mushing up the trail?
Is he the guy with the current holy grail?

Come on Lance, show us that Dance!

He's got a team, oh my, he plays with!
IN a week or so, why, he'll shake the hand of dear Mith!

Come on Lance, show us that Dance!

Who dares to break the im-poss-ible? (Double back to back One Thousand Mile Races!)
Why it's that Comeback Kennel, isn't this In-cre-dible?

Come on Lance, show us that Dance!

The Lance Dance!!


Oh, show us that Enthusiasm one more time:

Lance O' Lot a.JPG

And for giggles, The Jump of the Ages:

The Jump toward victory!.JPG

Re: LanceO'Lot!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:06 am
by ThisSpaceForRent
Frozen....I love you.... :D



Re: LanceO'Lot!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:41 am
by dilli
Ditto what TSFR said :lol: :lol: ... wouldn't want to get all slobber mushy on ya while you're happy dancing, Frozen :P

not sure about copyright so am just posting photo link to priceless Mastercard Kodak Moment ... says it all

Photo: Sam Harrel

Leader Lance Mackey gets some loving from his dogs Wrapper, Handsom and Hobo before leaving the Braeburn, Yukon, checkpoint Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 19, 2008, during the Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race. Mackey, of Fairbanks, left the for the 100-mile run to the finish line 19 minutes ahead of neighbor Ken Anderson.

folks .. you've just witnessed more mushing history in the making by an INCREDIBLE musher and stuff of legends team of canine athletes ..

4 CONSECUTIVE Quest wins ... *standing ovation*

:lol: :lol: 8-) :lol: :lol:
And as for leaps .. this one gets my 4 paws up vote

Photo: Sam Harrel

Yukon Quest winner Lance Mackey's dogs are still leaping to go after arriving at the finish line early Wednesday morning, Feb. 20, 2008, in Whitehorse, Yukon.

Re: LanceO'Lot!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:17 pm
by mithious
Wow Frozen,

awesome pic's :D :D :D Thanks so much.... :D :D :D 8-) Writer, photographer, anything else we should know? ;)

Re: LanceO'Lot!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:37 pm
by Breeze
LOLOL Mith, we've been trying for years to pin a real name to Frozen Chosen, s/he is a lot like Samatunk, gotta have a real name and be known to others to get so close to the action, but just loves to give us huge private stock goods/and first hand info. Whether it comes from behind a stump or from under a Spruce Trap or Tree Well , it comes anonymously.

It is part of our wondrous Cabela's family tree that we may forever wonder , hmmmmm who IS that behind the digital camera, who IS AT THAT checkpoint?

Many thanks to Frozen Chosen and to Samatunk for spinning off great knowledge and behind the scenes interpretive documentary.

Our dearly beloved Cabela's Moderator Frank went out of his way to be sure each of us felt safe within our screen presence on that forum, and I pray we stick to that family value on this forum.


Re: LanceO'Lot!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:53 pm
by flowerpower
Ah, but Frozen did grace us with a face to put to those wonderful stories this year! Under the "Faces" thread, on a very cold morning.... 8-)

Re: LanceO'Lot!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:16 pm
by Breeze
flowerpower wrote:Ah, but Frozen did grace us with a face to put to those wonderful stories this year! Under the "Faces" thread, on a very cold morning.... 8-)

I'm so content with being one of the dial-up access crew, I have to play stupid.

If it is video, audio or streaming content, this 2001 HP box doesn't cut it.


Re: LanceO'Lot!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:54 pm
by Moose
Has anyone ever talked with Frozen? I hope this isn't too wierd, but when I'm reading his stories, I imagine he's reading them aloud to us in a wonderfully deep, rich, slightly gravelly voice. Sort of like the guy in the Allstate commercials, the one who is/was the president in the TV show with Keiffer Sutherland. Am I close? :D

Re: LanceO'Lot!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:17 am
by tanglefoot
hmmm, there was a pic of him by his trusti FCmobile iron dog that really him?

some say he's only an apperition, after all who could stand outside next to a truck in -47 with only jeans and shirt on with out freezing!

some say hes part musher part dog with his keen knowledge of the trail the race and the frozen lands of the long forgotten north

some say he once ran the iditarod and finished

some say he's just a ghost who flits from thread to thread with tales of the old time

but to us......... hes a legend!