presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

This is a forum for general discussion of dogsled racing, with a special focus on Alaska, and is open to all. It is expected that this area will see the most activity during the months leading up to, and during the annual Iditarod sled dog race. Pictures from races can be posted here. Hosting is provided by the Bering Strait School District (BSSD), and the area is open all year. Care to be one of our volunteer moderators? Contact us!

Moderators: fladogfan, libby the lab, mira, mamamia, sc-race-fan

Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby Sady » Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:25 pm

How wonderful, Matt and Ems! Will definitely keep up with the progress of our very own "babe"! Thank you!
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Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby tanglefoot » Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:57 pm

will email photos in a few days ems gonna take some xx
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Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby luvmy4huskiesn1mal » Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:44 am

WOOHOO....Welcome to the TEAM!!!
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Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby CynCyn37 » Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:58 pm

Can't wait for pix!!!!

Hi there Luv! Glad to see you again.

I sort of want a Husky, but I think it would be really cruel to have one in Texas where it has already been 90 degrees for 3 days during the month!
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Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby tanglefoot » Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:28 pm

Hi all,

i am afraid i have some very sad news, i haven't posted on facebook yet. we will do tomorrow so please do not comment on our facebook until we have posted.

sadly we had to make the hard choice today and let our beautiful Panik 'Nayokpuks Iditabuddy babe' go to sleep and join our other dogs 'on the trail'.

She had been suffering some major health issues and started to loose weight a month or so ago, today she weighted only 16kg, down from 30kg. so half her body weight. The vet had informed us a month or so ago we were on borrowed time with her and every day was a bonus here on in, he thought some form of cancer either stomach or pancreatic. there was nothing they could do so we took her home and she has continued to have a wonderful life, chilling out in the stake out whilst the others ran, and eating lots of bacon, bonio biscuits and all her favorite foods.

during her life she ran in many many races leading myself and Ems to lots of race wins, she helped some young mushers get started, leading their little teams. She went from team dog to single lead dog later on in life. She used to suffer from confidence in leadon he own but would run with zoya or kapik in lead just fine, a few years ago she started to run in single lead with confidence and help train some of the young kids as she wasn't quite fast enough to run on the A team anymore.

Panik, Pan Pan, Pani-cakes, Pani woowoo was such a beautiful soul. she didn't have a bad bone in her body and always talked to me down the phone when i was away with her trade mark woo-woo-WOOOOOO-WOOOOO. she used to do the pani-dance when you gave her scritches on her bum which always made her dance from side to side, woo lots, smile and go silly. She flirted with Bobby-dog who she adored but he never gave her the affection (sexy time) that she hoped for with him when in season. poor Pan.

last night she came training with us. spent time mooching around the stake out in her fluro yellow dog jacket checking on everyone. On getting home she had her food (with a little extra bacon) but a bit later on she projectile vomited her food and water across the room, she looked so sad and sorry she had done it bless her, we cleaned up and an hour later she did the same. Panik being a very proud dog was mortified and was desperate to apologize.

She hadn't made it up stairs to sleep under my side of the bed liek she always used to with Zoya for a week or so and she was getting tired very quickly. we bought her a new comfy bed a week or so ago so she could still be comfy downstairs with Bobby and Sienna who sleep down there out of choice but she decided last night to sleep on the sofa, when i came down this morning early she was still there, she had vomited again and had had some diaoreah too during the night. she refused to move off the sofa and wouldn't go out side as normal for her morning wee and sniff about.

Pan was always first to eat breakfast out of the gang and would clean up anything anyone left, but this morning she refused food, water and even her favourite bonios which she never ever refused. She looked drawn and so unhappy, Ems tried to mover her and she was showing some discomfort and a little pain. She just wasn't happy and we both felt her health had taken a dramatic turn downwards last night and we probably didn't have many days left.

Ems took her to the vets for a small wound to be re dressed and checked by the vet which she was having some issues from, she had knocked her leg on jumping in the dog truck and being weak had not quite made it and took a small cut on her rear knee. It had started healing and she had some antibiotics but the last 36 hours it had started breaking down again and her body stopped healing it.

i spoke to Ems from work to see how she was at lunch time and Ems said on coming back from the Vet she had'nt moved, eaten or drank anything and was looking like she had decided she had had enough and was telling us it was time. Sadly i couldn't get back from work and so we decided Ems would take her back in this afternoon before she started suffering. i had said a big good bye to her on leaving for work as i had a feeling today might not be a good one, told her she was so beautiful and was the best dog in the world, she gave me a little lick but that was all. This afternoon around 4pm Ems took her back to the vets who we and she knew very well and they said it seemed she had given up and that it was probably 'that time'. Zoya and Kapik her litter sisters have been very cuddly with me and Ems said they did something amazing before she took Pan, i don't know what that was yet as Ems went to work for some friends restaurant this evening for an event. The whole gang are being very quiet this evening and subdued. everyone loved Panik and she was a good Aunty to the last litter we bred.

It feels really weird, i took the dog truck to work as my car needs repair and getting in it this evening and seeing her empty box and bed was horrible knowing she wouldn't be leaping into it a million miles and hour to go for a run, doing 8 bowls of food this evening when i got home and knowing we are going down further in numbers of dogs is equally as horrible.

We made the choice to not breed or buy in anymore sled dogs a few years ago and have gone from 13 down to 8 over the last couple years loosing some oldies and a couple due to cancer. we have 8 racing dogs left although Kapik and Zoya are 12, sienna and Bobby dog are 10 and the pachettes - hidey, snippet, teabag and Squeek are all 5 so the next couple years we will loose Paniks sisters.

i wanted to let you all know as she was the iditabuddy pup and many of you had known her and a couple of you even run her in harness over the years.

She will join the team in the sky with Kirra, Lolly, Wolfey, JoeJoe, Harvey and a musher friend we lost this year to cancer and who we used to race with. A lot of dogs from friends have gone this year, it's one of those years and the cycle continues although it doesn't make it any easier losing a dog you have known from birth.

Thanks for all the love shown to Panik over the years from you all.

Matty and Ems xxx
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Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby Jan » Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:50 pm

So sorry :( Tis never easy losing one, even when you know it's coming Hugs & love to you & Ems
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Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby fladogfan » Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:07 pm

Aw Matty and Ems, so sorry this day has come. But you know you did the compassionate thing for her today.
Many hugs to you and the rest of the pack.
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Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby Another UK Fan » Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:17 pm

Thank you for sharing so much with us of iditabuddy babe's last journey. I remember her as a pup, so sweet and fun.

We love them and then we lose them, and we hurt. The price is worth it when you face the alternative - never having had them in your life. Hold those wonderful memories close and marvel that she shared your lives. Let the smiles come amid the tears and know that we will all meet again.

Keeping you all in my thoughts and saluting our iditabuddy babe as she skips along 'the trail', re-united with Wolfe and all the others.

Sending hugs, prayers and solidarity at this sad time.
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Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby Moose » Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:36 pm

Dang. So sorry, T and Ems. Virtual but heartfelt hugs beaming your way. What a wonderful life you gave Panik and she gave you. A good life shared, You've probably heard me say, and numerous times my dogs have proven it to be true, but they don't go far when they "leave" us. And sometimes they even return. Godspeed, Panik. You were a beautiful girl on this side; now a beautiful soul on the other.
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Re: presenting the iditabuddies newest member!

Postby libby the lab » Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:43 pm

Sending virtual hugs to you and Ems.
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