
This is a forum for general discussion of dogsled racing, with a special focus on Alaska, and is open to all. It is expected that this area will see the most activity during the months leading up to, and during the annual Iditarod sled dog race. Pictures from races can be posted here. Hosting is provided by the Bering Strait School District (BSSD), and the area is open all year. Care to be one of our volunteer moderators? Contact us!

Moderators: fladogfan, libby the lab, mira, mamamia, sc-race-fan


Postby Di* » Sat May 02, 2009 6:36 am

I heard an interesting topic on the Iditasupport thread. Seems one of their members is starting up a program where fans can send money and help buy bags of dogfood for their fav mushers. The B.A.R.K. stands for Buy A Round of Kibble! Pretty clever I thought.
This original idea stemmed from Karin's Iditarider wanting to buy her flowers after the race and then rethinking she could use dogfood more. There is a link at sled dog central's website that gives info but I haven't checked it out yet. http://www.sleddogcentral.com/ The link is down on the right hand side..

What a neat idea this is, just another way for zealous fans to really contribute!! Sounds perfect for us no?! ;) :lol:

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